1.5-This is a slightly updated piece of work. There have been changes to the fiist three sections in 'the neurogenesis element' in my method and some changes to my conclusion.
1.6- I have added my theory on differences in hydrogen bonds in proteins in development and on the five types on the spectrum.
I have added a chapter on dopamine playing a large role in autistic type in the neurology section.
~The Autistic Spectrum~
~Quantum Spectrum Theory~
(edit 1.6)
Damion Cappleman
~The phoenix net~
This is a piece of work that is an
attempt to fully explain autism and the autistic spectrum. I fit the spectrum
into developmental and neurological elements and attempt to fully explain the
condition and many of its symptoms. My findings are from what I have learnt
from research on the Quantum Spectrum Hypnosis I am the pioneer of and from ten
very difficult years of my life. My hypnosis lets me observe quantum structures
in the mind and much of this paper is derived from what I have learnt from
this. People on the autistic spectrum can be highly developed in different
aspects of the mind, it is this factor in me with my imagination that is the basis for my hypnosis. I
have also based this paper on being lucky enough to interact with people I've met on the
autistic spectrum, I couldn't have worked out the five types of us on the spectrum without them (thank you Dawn, Sharon, Jonathan, Mandy Jane and the others).
Table of contents
-the development element
-Neuro-typical development
-Autistic development
-The neurogenesis element
development element
-The four types on the autistic
-Delta autistics
-Theta autistics
-Alpha autistics
-Beta autistic
-Systemising and empathising theory
-Common factors across the spectrum
-The over developed Id
-Loss of skills in childhood
-Delayed speech development
neurogenesis element
-Neurogenesis in autism
-Delta waves and cell membranes
-Synapse differences in autism
-Overloads in autism
-Neurotransmitter effects in autism
-Neurological aging in Autism
-Over Development of the senses in
-The dominant neuronal structures
in Autism
-Causes of autism
Autistic Spectrum
Quantum Spectrum Theory
This paper starts with my
hypothesis that the autistic spectrum is made up of two elements, a
developmental element and a neurogenesis element. In the development element I
explain normal development and my hypothesis on autistic development. I then
explain my hypothesis on neurogenesis in autism.
In the first part of my method I
explain the development element of the autistic spectrum. I describe the four
distinct types of person I have observed on the autistic spectrum and other factors that
fit in with these types, I go on to explain common denominators that fit with
all types across the autistic spectrum.
In the second part of my method I
describe the neurology of autism. I explain the effects of Delta brain waves on
neurogenesis (the growth of new neurons). I explain about the effects of excess neurogenesis on cell
membranes in this part which will has far reaching repercussions for science. I
explain more neurological factors of autism.
In my conclusion I state my opinion
on a new currently unknown cause of autism and end with my opinion on the potential outcome of my work.
-The autistic spectrum is made up
of two elements;
development element
-People on the Autistic spectrum
differ from normal neurological and psychological development.
Neuro-typical development
-We are meant to go through four
stages of development;
The genesis/prenatal stage of development- This is the stage while we are still in the womb, this is the stage where neurogenesis is strongest. I am sure this stage is associated with a very strong epsilon brain wave (a very low frequency high amplitude delta brain wave). The genesis stage is associated with a dominant epsilon brain wave where the Id is the dominant structure in personality and the cerebellum is the dominant lobe in the brain. This stage is very strongly linked to neurogenesis.
The epsilon brain waves like the other brain waves cause something called an electrostatic reaction, this is basically the same as when you get your hair permed, the hydrogen bonds in proteins are broken down so the proteins unfold, proteins make up every cell in your body leading us on the spectrum to have certain physical traits due to this mechanism, I will explain later. There are a total of four bonds in proteins in human cells, primary bonds, secondry bonds, tertiary bonds and quarterney bonds. In the genesis stage all the bonds are broken by the epsilon brain wave making the foetus ultra flexible on a cellular level for growth and to encourage neurogenesis.
first stage of development- is the baby stage of development that
lasts from birth until the age of one or so, the signs of autism won’t be so apparent at
this stage as it doesn't differ from neurotypical at this point. The first stage is associated with a dominant delta brain wave
where the Id is the dominant structure in personality and the cerebellum is the
dominant lobe in the brain. This stage is strongly linked to neurogenesis.
The mind adds its first level of
association in this stage, it adds a basic idea/thought element to itself. At this stage we are primed to
learn about the senses and bond with our mother resulting in babies likening sensory stimulation and very dominant loving
emotions though other id emotions are present, from looking at babies facial expressions if say happiness,laughter, upset, surprise and fear are also there. Our instincts are very strong in this stage as instincts are closely related to the id, this will lead to babies being extremely sensitive to pain which is only just being taken on board by the medical profession.
We have so
much to learn as a baby this stage is designed to be overly associative to help
with this, we learn everything we experience, mainly to hard wire the senses and bond with our mum. In this stage we form the basis of our entire thought process, it is
associated with the brain quickly hard wiring itself and forming permanent neural
networks. In this stage we are primed to form permanent memories.
The thought process of the Id is designed to associate one thought, to be the base of our thought process.
The thoughts themselves behave like
one thought, the amount of thoughts in the Id correlates with the hz squared of
Delta waves (around 0.5-4 Hz). The amount of information stored here is related
to Id/permanent memory that is stored in the secretory component of the neurons of the entire brain.
We have two types of association in personality which
effect the thought process, energy travelling up from the subconscious is
vertical association which develops a single thought/concept further, adding to it. lateral association is
connecting or associating different thoughts thoughts together, associating them. The first stage of development/the delta brain wave is low in vertical association and very high lateral in its association. The delta wave being low frequency and high amplitude means information runs very efficiently along it bonding the information it holds into one thought. The structure of the id demonstrates a solid singular blanket of energy that reflects the singular thought process of this component on personality.
In the first stage of development the primary bonds are in place but secondry, tertiary and quarterney bonds are all broken.
second stage of development is the child stage that lasts from
the age of one or so until the age of eight or so (I've based this from personal experience, at very least a transition to the third stage starts now, they stop asking 'why this, why that, but why' and using you as a climbing frame at around this time, they also become more reclusive spending time in their room. I also find myself becoming more of a guide to them rather than them just taking on what you explain to them which I feel adds weight to this). The second stage is
associated with a dominant theta brain wave where the Ego is the dominant
structure in personality and the occipital lobe is the dominant lobe in the brain.
The mind now adds a second
conceptual element to itself with vertical association adding to the thoughts rising from the id. At this stage we are primed to learn about our
close family, communication and recycle our senses with our imagination so we are very loving and chatty, we
learn quickly especially with concepts, language and shape interpretation and form long
term memories well. The thought process of the Ego is about putting two
thoughts from the Id together, it is a stage of strong association with a duality
driven thought process that leads to the learning of concepts well, two ideas put together become a concept I.e the ideas Flint and tinder would result in the concept fire or warmth.
The amount of thoughts in
the Ego correlates with the hz squared of Theta waves (around 4-8 Hz). The
amount of information stored here is related to Ego/long term memory which is stored in the axon of all the neurons in the brain. The second
stage is high lateral and medium vertical association.
The helix structure of the ego demonstrates two ideas/strings becoming one, two ideas/strings becoming one over and over, this is a mirror of the thought process there turning singular ideas from the id and matching them up into more complex thoughts-concepts.
In the second stage of development the proteins in the body have primary and secondry hydrogen bonds in place with tertiary and quarterney broken.
third stage of development is the adolescent stage that lasts
from the age of eight or so until the late teens early twenty’s. The third
stage is associated with a dominant alpha brain wave where the Super Ego is the
dominant structure in personality and the parietal lobe is the dominant lobe in
the brain.
The mind now adds a third symbolic
element to itself it turns concepts from the ego and bunches them together as symbols to allow the mind to focus on these symbols and process large amounts of concepts at once. At this stage we are primed to become more independent from
our family, we learn symbols and complex systems well, we also form short term memory well all which can help with things like maths and computers. The thought process of the super ego is
about putting many thoughts together from the Id and ego. A stage of a complex
thought process where over a hundred thoughts can come to mind. This stage is
associated with a more internal independent thought process.
The amount of thoughts in
the super ego correlates with the hz squared of Alpha waves (around 8-12Hz so
around 144 thoughts). The amount of information stored here is related to
Super Ego/short term memory which is stored in the soma of all the neurons of the brain. The third stage is medium lateral and high
vertical association.
In the third stage of development the primary,secondary and tertiary bonds are all in place with the quaternary bond broken.
The fourth stage of development is the adult stage that begins the late teens early twenties (the age schizophrenia is triggered), entering the last stage of development is what triggers latent schizophrenia. The fourth stage is associated with a dominant beta brain wave where Consciousness is the dominant structure in personality and the frontal lobe is the dominant lobe in the brain.
The mind now adds a fourth organisational
element to itself to sort and organises on mass the symbolic thoughts of the super ego. At this stage we are primed to be independent and take care
of our own children. This stage is about stability and being more organised. Consciousness
is associated with the senses leading to us developing a good memory in this
stage. The thoughts themselves behave in an extremely complex manor leading to
good organisation and memory skills.
The amount of thoughts in
consciousness correlates with the Hz squared of consciousness (around
12-30hz). The amount of information stored here is related to conscious/sensory
memory. The fourth stage is low lateral and very high vertical association. Many separate ideas are laterally associated here.
In the fourth stage of development primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary bonds are all in place making the body very fence and strong.
Us on the autistic spectrum develop
differently to neuro-typical development. We have an offset neurological
development, this means our development through the four stages is different to
a neuro-typicals. All people on the autistic spectrum overdevelop in the first
stage of development which is a key factor in autism. We then move on to develop
in a different order to neuro-tyical development. We tend to get stuck in one
of the four stages rather than progressing through them in order, this means we
have one dominant brainwave throughout our lives. Characteristics we are
designed to learn in this stage in neuro-typical development stand out as dominant traits in us. This is
why people on the autistic spectrum develop differently to a neuro-typical
Neurogenesis element
-Neurogenesis; the growth of new
neurons in the brain is a natural part of brain development, this mechanism is
both stimulated and prolonged in the autistic brain leading to the development
of the excess neurons associated with the condition.
-Damaged serotonin neurotransmitter receptors
in the membranes of neurons cause an increase in the amplitude of delta waves.
-High Delta waves over stimulate
-The resulting excess of neurons
also contributes to an increase in the amplitude of the delta brain wave.
-The increase in amplitude
stimulates cell membranes inside the neuron increasing its metabolic rate.
-we all have set levels of dopamine which dictate
-This offsets neurotransmitter
-This leads to a change of the
amplitude of the four main brain waves.
-The amplitude of our brain waves dictate
what brain wave and corresponding part of personality is dominant as we grow
and go through four stages of development.
-One brain wave therefore becomes
dominant causing the offset development in autism.
Development element
four types on the Autistic spectrum
From observation of people on the autistic
spectrum I have noted we all fit into one of four groups and display dominant characteristics
from our relative stage. There is a direct correlation with the four main brain
waves (Delta, Theta, Alpha and Beta waves) and the four components of
personality (the Id, Ego, Super Ego and Conscious). This is a description of
the four types of autism I have observed.
Delta Autistics have a dominant
Delta brain wave and stay in the first stage of development. In this stage we
are designed to learn about the senses; vision, touch, hearing, smell, taste
and making sense; we develop the permanent base of our thought process in this
stage. Delta autistics overdevelop in these areas and will learn these aspects
quicker than neuro-typicals
In this stage our emotions are at
their strongest to help us learn quickly and form a close relationship with our
mother. Delta Autistics therefore have very strong emotions indeed, this leads
to them being very caring and can empathise very strongly. It also means having
to control other very strong emotions which can lead to emotional outbursts. Everyone
on the autistic spectrum over develop in this stage so will display some of the
characteristics that are dominant in Delta autistics, Delta autistics stay in
this stage whereas the other types on the spectrum all leave this stage, this
will contribute to Delta autistics having the highest neuron counts.
In this stage we have so much to
learn, mainly about the senses, the brain has evolved to do this very quickly
by rapid development of neural networks, this is associated with the delta
brain wave, this leads overly associative thought process is dominant in delta
autistics. This over association can manifest itself as obsession, fixation and
liking order and sameness to a strong degree. This also can lead to a very
overwhelmed mind felt in both the senses and the thought process. This
overdevelopment of the senses also leads to Delta autistics being very tactile
This overdevelopment if to a strong
extent as with more severely impaired people on the spectrum could actually
paralyse the thought process from too much information coming to mind that
association cannot efficiently take place.
Deltas will have the cerebellum as
the dominant lobe in the brain and the secretary component as the dominant area
of the neuron. The structure of the secretary component reflects the thought
process of Delta Autistics, very thick pathways holding a lot of information
which are few in number. The Id is very high lateral association and low
vertical association.
emotions- Very overdeveloped emotions from the Id
Theta autistics (like me) have
a dominant theta brain wave and stay for a long period in the second stage of
human development. In this stage we start to recycle our senses to help us design
theoretical situations in the safety of our own minds; the development of
imagination. We also learn about putting two thoughts together, problem solving
and communication. Theta autistics overdevelop in these areas and will learn
these aspects quicker than neuro-typicals.
In this stage we are designed to
learn about our family, Theta autistics bond very closely to people as a result
and form strong friendships and relationships, we are very people based and
chatty when we like people (a very social Asperger).
Theta Autistics are very linguistic
and imaginative as this is primed to develop in the second stage of
development. Our strong imagination contributes to well developed problem
solving ability based on shape interpretation, this can also help develop
Theta autistics have a quite strong
emotional state and a strong sense of right and wrong, we like everyone to get
on and have strong empathy.
Theta autistics think of duality's and
paradox a lot of the time due to the second stage being primed for the mind to
associating two thoughts. We think in concepts and shapes and learn better from
direct communication. Theta autistics may find learning facts and symbols like
maths more difficult due to being underdeveloped in the third stage when the
mind is primed to learn this. Thetas can also be quite disorganised with being
underdeveloped in the fourth stage.
Thetas manifest symptoms differently
to other autistics for two reasons; the occipital lobe associated with thetas
is a very small lobe so has a very strong drag effect pulling the mind back to
this stage of development throughout life rather than being permanently
anchored here. Secondly Thetas are associated with the second stage of
development, there is a strong drag out of the first stage of development and
into the second because the neurotransmitter balance is not so much of a big
jump as with the other types on the spectrum. This drag effect out of the first
stage of development leads to an early development of second stage skills, I
learnt to walk and talk early as an example. This factor means Theta Autistics
are low on the neuro-genesis element of the spectrum as it is not for as
prolonged duration as the other types on the spectrum. The rate of neuron
genesis while in the first stage is increased as with the rest of the spectrum.
Theta's will have the occipital
lobe as the dominant lobe in the brain and the axon is the dominant area of the
neuron. The structure of the axon reflects the thought process of a Theta
autistic, a conceptual and duality driven thought process. The Ego is medium
vertical association and high lateral association with lateral thinking more
emotions- Emotions from the id and ego are
Some notes on me- I am
actually surprised an EEG read normal for me, though there are other factors
involved you would have to read my book to understand (the nurse actually asked
if I was on drugs for this scan). I found I never liked words like rape
and torture as they would automatically form images in my mind, I find them
much more unpleasant than swear words. I have a low attention span. I use
logic to get by in life, I kind of can’t switch off problem solving, it happens
by itself, I find new social situations difficult, they can seem different to
me. I don’t like being alone (doesn't come up much), I hate being
boarded. I cannot do fake, when I smile it has to be genuine, its why I am not
photogenic. From observing what I call the hemisphere net I think I
lack mirror neurons in the temporal lobe as with other people on the
spectrum. My overdeveloped imagination is what lead to the birth of Quantum
Spectrum hypnosis, it could only come from a Theta autistic.
Alpha Autistics have
a dominant alpha brain wave and stay in the third stage of human development.
In this stage we are primed to become more independent from our family and can
be a little reclusive to this ends due to a more internal thought process. Our
brain becomes primed to interpret symbols like letters and numbers in this
stage to help us develop a more complex thought process. Alpha autistics
overdevelop in these areas and will learn these aspects quicker than
The super ego/alpha waves are very
much related to an internal thought process, from this being dominant alpha autistics
may seem withdrawn and will find it difficult to socialise. In this stage we
feel shy emotions strongly, this is to help us become more independent from our
family, this will also contribute to difficulty socialising and will lead to
wanting to spend time alone. We are designed for higher problem solving in the
third stage of development, where or mind is primed to encode the concepts from
the second stage into symbols for this higher problem solving. This leads to
Alpha autistics having a talent for things such as computers and maths. Alpha
autistics as children should learn quickly with maths and should learn to read
quicker than average. I think this may also give rise to a very creative mind;
say with music as the music that came from an Alpha Autistic is likely to
stimulate the alpha waves and therefore internal thought process of the minds that
are listening to their music. Alpha autistics miss out on the second stage of
development which again will contribute to finding it more difficult to
socialise and also being less verbal.
The third stage of development is
when the mind is primed for more complex problem solving. The alpha brain wave
being very complex will help with balancing the complex tasks associated with
maths and computers. Alpha Autistics think in facts and symbols and learn
better from indirect communication like text books and computers rather than
direct communication. Alpha Autistics miss out on the second stage of
development so are underdeveloped with emotions from the Ego.
Alpha autistics will have the
parietal lobe as the dominant lobe in the brain and the soma as the dominant
structure in the neuron. The structure of the soma reflects the thought process
of Alpha autistics, very complex and ordered and symbol based. The super ego is
high vertical association and medium lateral association.
emotions- Emotions from the Id and super ego
are dominant.
Beta Autistics have a dominant Beta
brain wave, the fourth stage of human development. In this stage we are primed
to be very logical, aware, sensible, organised and analytical. Beta autistics
overdevelop in these areas and will learn these aspects quicker than
Testosterone increases the beta
brain wave, in Beta autistics this brain wave is dominant but for a different
reason. I think this may have given rise to the opinion autism is the extreme
male brain as testosterone is related to (a neurotransmitter I think) Beta
waves and alpha waves whereas oestrogen is related to Delta and Theta waves.
Beta Autistics think in terms of
logic and have a very organised thought process and will be very good at
systemizing. There are many peaks in consciousness which mean the thought
process of Beta autistics associate a lot of separate concepts. They will think
in terms of facts and learn more easily from books. Beta autistics miss out on
the second and third stage of development, leading to underdevelopment in
emotions from these stages.
Consciousness is where the senses
are perceived, From Beta autistics overdeveloping here will lead to very
sensitive perceptions and will lead to being easily distracted due to this. Beta
autistics miss out on the second and third stage of development so are
underdeveloped with emotions from these stages.
Beta autistics will have the
frontal lobe as the dominant lobe in the brain and the synaptic cleft as the
dominant area of the neuron/brain. The structure of energy in the synaptic
cleft reflects the thought process of Beta autistics like static on a T.V. This
means a very complex, stable and ordered thought process. Consciousness is very
high vertical association and very low lateral association.
emotions- emotions from the Id are
dominant, the last stage of development is more about thinking rather than
emotions, It is all about stability and reusing what we have already learnt, a
very clear organised analytical mind. I think crying/feeling sad is an
emotion to do with the conscious mind so this will stand out.
and empathising theory
-Professor Simon-Baron Cohen’s
systemising-empathising theory relates to the four types on the spectrum.
Deltas being type E (high empathizing). Betas will be type S (high
systemizing). Alphas will be type B (balanced empathizing and systemizing)
Deltas that neurologically age to a theta stage and Thetas will be also be type
B. When we are born we need to learn
about our emotions to a large degree, to empathise. When we reach adulthood
systemising is more important, this developmental spectrum is a reflection of
the traits on the autistic spectrum. His theory helped shed a lot of light on
my own thought process; it was one of those moments when you think to yourself
‘ah, that’s what I do’.
Common factors across the spectrum
overdeveloped Id
All four types on the autistic spectrum have
increased development in the first stage when the Id is the dominant structure
in personality. The rate of development of this stage is increased for all
types. All types apart from Theta autistics stay to long in this stage, Thetas
in fact leave this stage early, for me and at least one of my children it is at
around nine months this happens. A delta autistic will stay in this stage, the
other types will progress to their dominant stage leading to them being Theta,
Alpha or Beta autistic.
The first stage of development
leads to the strong development of neural networks; permanent pathways in the
brain, it’s hard wiring. The increased rate of development and prolonged
development of this stage in the autistic mind leads to very strong sensory
input, emotions and association. This increased development leads to a lot of
information being held in the Id in the form of permanent memory leading to a
complex mind. Strong emotions and association both affect behaviour. Strong
sensory input can overwhelm the thought process and make it difficult to learn,
for a neuro-typical to understand what learning could be like for someone on
the autistic spectrum; it could be likened to trying to learn something new
while on a fairground ride with deafening music playing in the background.
emotions-In the first stage of development
we are designed to have very strong instinctual emotions, people on the
Spectrum have to deal with some very strong emotions indeed. These strong emotions
can lead to an autistic having to deal with very strong emotions which can lead
to emotional outbursts, children on the spectrum have to learn to control
emotions that would overwhelm anyone. Love and crying are very strong emotions
in the first stage of development, this leads to all four types on the spectrum
being very caring people. People on the spectrum can become highly attached to
people/things due to the strong emotions they evoke.
association- The nature of the thought process
of the Id is very closely associated laterally associated thoughts. This leads
to people on the spectrum being of average or above average intellect when not
overwhelmed by the condition. Strong lateral association forms fluid
intelligence (the logic of logic) in autism.
strong association and strong emotions lead to repetitive behaviour, we
are meant to learn very basic and repetitive things in the first stage of
development, the base of our thought process. Learning about the senses is done
primarily in the first stage of development, this learning needs to be highly
repetitive in the mind due to sensory input being a constant necessity
throughout our life, our minds over associate in the first stage of development
to help us make sense of the massive amount of raw information that comes from
the senses.
Repetitive behaviour can be a
result of an over developed Id- Permanent pathways in neural networks are
associated with permanent memory, the way the Id stores information is
permanent memory. Repetitive behaviours can easily form due to the development
of permanent neural pathways as explained earlier, When these pathways are
stimulated i.e. by following a set routine, there is a strong pleasure response
because the pathway has become stimulated. If these pathways are not stimulated
i.e. by not following a set routine, the pathways are latent and trying to
become stimulated, they are trying to reassert, this attempt at reassertion in
neurons all over the brain at the same time is felt as displeasure. The routine
or set behaviours are active in the mind as permanent memory, permanent neural
networks. For someone with autism not following a routine could be very
unpleasant, for a neuro-typical person to truly understand it would be like
acute sensory deprivation, it is not something that can be just changed, it is
down to the hard wiring in the brain, this means it can be very difficult for
people on the spectrum to change their routine/behaviours,
The thought process of the Id is
associated with pleasure, the same as what a neuro-typical gets from sensory
input (though it goes unnoticed until absent). This overdevelopment of pathways
has a knock on effect on behaviour, if the pathways are not stimulated by the
associated sensory input from a routine it is felt as displeasure, for a
neuro-typical to understand it would be similar to a very strong kind of
sensory deprivation.
If pathways in neural networks are
not stimulated either by lack of sensory input or a change in the thought
process i.e. not following a set routine, it takes time for the pathways in the
neural network to form and reorganise themselves so the pathway becomes
stimulated again.
Liking order in autism I think is
due to the nature of neural networks in the brain, ordered shapes will
stimulate a lot of a neural network stimulating the Id resulting in pleasure.
In the first stage we have to order our senses, this overdevelops in autistics
and spills over into other aspects of the mind, liking order is the result. Sensory
input that only stimulates a neural network partly forms displeasure in the
mind, so displeasure from lack of order will also be a factor. From an
experiment I did with Quantum Hypnosis I found when you mix two contradictory
fields together (resulting in the part stimulation of a neural network) it
feels unpleasant, with they are not contradictory it usually feels OK. I learnt
from this that partly stimulated neural networks feels unpleasant, it is like
the mind becomes aware of this lack of energy in itself and feels unpleasant.
So on the opposite side of this ordered neural pathways must result in a
network being fully stimulated and the potential for pleasant emotions.
Peaks in the Id affect the thought
process of people on the autistic spectrum. I was sat watching a gerbil one day
trying to understand its thought process, every second or so its attention
seemed to jump from one thought to another. I think this is definitely due to
peaks in its delta waves, If I am right in a relaxed state it should be about
one 1 hz leading to one peak in its Delta net/s.
People on the autistic spectrum
have particularly high peaks in delta waves and therefore in the Id. This can
make ideas stand out and be more dominant in the autistic mind.
People on the spectrum can jump
from one subject to another when acting/telling a Joke.
The high peaks in delta waves means
one thought stands out a lot in the Id and vertical association, the peak is
the actual thought that has come to mind. An autistic will start telling a joke
then when the thought process changes to the punch line there is a jump in the
thought process, a correlating jump in the Id from one peak being the dominant
thought to another peak being the dominant thought in the ID, there is a jump
in lateral association, this is like moving from one network of logic to
another. In the nature of Jokes they are untrue, or connecting two concepts
that are not logically related, it is like a neural connection that shouldn’t
be there, (it doesn’t make sense, you know it makes sense).
of skills in childhood
The offset development associated
with autism explains why there is loss of skills in early childhood; it is
because of leaving the first stage and shifting straight to the fourth stage,
it may happen also in alphas but not in deltas and thetas as there are no large
jumps for them. Jumping from an Id stage to the Conscious stage is too much of
a jump for the brain to handle, this is meant to happen slowly as with
neuro-typical development. The Id and delta waves are the base of the mind and where
a lot of the energy that makes up our minds comes from, this energy is a
quantum particle called a virtual photon that behaves simply by travelling to
higher frequencies, which is towards our conscious mind. This is how
information comes from the Id/our sub conscious to our conscious mind, but if the
mind jumps from the first stage of development to the fourth stage of
development, there is a big shift in the dominant brain wave, the virtual
photons from the Id are suddenly mixed with many from the conscious mind. Efficient
communication between delta waves and beta waves take time to form so there is
the loss of skills that return over time. In psychology the roots into the sub
conscious that allow the Id and consciousness communicating properly take time
to form. In neurology two separate neural networks take time to communicate
effectively, in neural physics there are two frequencies that are too far apart
to associate properly.
speech development
All types apart from Thetas will
have delayed verbal development, speech is meant to develop in the second stage,
Delta autistics can neurologically age to being in a Theta stage and will find
speech much easier to develop. Thetas will be very chatty and verbal from
overdevelopment in the second stage and will learn speech early. Alpha and Beta
autistics miss out the second stage, accounting for delayed development. Alpha
autistics can be quite shy and have a strong internal thought process which may
impede speech development. Delta autistics are in the stage before speech is
designed to be learnt, the world can be simply overwhelming for them, it could
take a lot of time to notice something like speech mixed in with everything
else coming from their senses, this impedes their development of speech.
neurogenesis element
The key factor causing the
neurogenesis is in the membrane of the neuron. Neuroreceptors in the autistic
brain are damaged here. This disrupts how neurons communicate.
This renders inactive/underactive a
neurotransmitter, this specific neurotransmitter has the knock on effect of
stimulating delta waves therefore prolonging and stimulating neurogenesis. This
is what keeps people on the autistic spectrum in the first stage of development
for too long.
I think
damage to the neuroreceptors/cell membranes in neural stem cells in the
prenatal brain is responsible for this difference in membranes in the
autistic brain and is the root cause of autism.
in autism
Neurogenesis is the development of
new neurons in the brain by cells called neural stem cells and progenitor
cells. Neurogenesis is a natural part of the development of the brain and the
key to understanding autism. Neurogenesis is stimulated and prolonged in the
autistic brain leading to the increased amount of neurons associated with the
Neuron genesis is associated with very
strong delta waves, stem cells and progenitor cells need delta waves for
The excess delta waves also lead to people on
the spectrum staying in the first stage of development for a longer period than
normal contributing to excess neurogenesis. The decrease in Delta waves
associated with neurological aging has a strong knock on effect on
neurogenesis. Delta waves decreasing are what decreases neurogenesis as we
neurologically age.
waves and cell membranes
This is probably the most important part of this
paper. The effect of Delta waves opening cell membranes plays a large role in
People on the autistic spectrum having excess
delta waves leads to stimulation of the rate of neurogenesis in the brain. This
happens by increased neural stem cell metabolic rate. This is achieved by Delta
waves having a strong effect on opening membranes in cells, this is partly
demonstrated in the difference of how synapses connect and organise in autism;
due to the membrane in the secretary component of neurons being stimulated and more permeable because of exposure to high
Delta waves. Delta waves open cell membranes in neural stem cells and progenitor cells. The opening of cell membranes
is relative to the cells metabolic rate and in fact is even necessary for the
cell to stay alive.
Another example of the ability of Delta waves to
open cell membranes is a Throzine overdose that a person survived , It
was survived because Thorozine is a neuroleptic and works by altering the
chemical makeup of the frontal lobes, stopping the frontal lobe from producing
Delta waves. In the frontal lobe the membranes in the secretary component
should close from the effect of this drug leading to the death of the neurons
and resulting in death. Quantum Spectrum Hypnosis allows the sharing of Delta
waves, this allows the membranes in the secretary component of the neurons in
the frontal lobe to stay open, it lets the neurons there to still metabolise,
this stops their death. This is how it was survived.
On a tangent I believe this factor in my
hypnosis could save some people from a fate worse than death, I am yet to
research Parkinson’s but it has been suggested to me it works on the same
principle as Thorozine. If so my hypnosis will completely stop the nerve death
in the condition. Cell membrane manipulation will lead to the development of
things like more effective stem cell therapy, new therapies for cancer making
chemotherapy more effective, I think it will also be possible to kill cancerous
cells with membrane manipulating technology. This is just a few examples of
possible applications.
difference in Autism
Synapses are affected by damaged
neuroreceptors and the excess neurons in the autistic brain. Autism effects
information processing in the brain by altering how nerve cells and their synapses
connect and organise.
Damaged neuroreceptors change the
activity across the synapse and therefore how they develop accounting for a
difference in connection and organisation.
Delta waves affect the secretary
component of the neuron. The internal structure there resonates with delta
waves. The high delta waves in the autistic mind stimulate the opening of membranes,
stimulating ion channels across the synapse, this stimulation encourages over
development of new neural connections, also accounting for a difference in
connection and organisation.
in Autism
Overloads in Autism are also
relative to neurogenesis. The high delta waves effecting synapses in the
autistic mind are what leads to overloads and shutdowns in autism. These are
caused by the excess delta waves in the autistic brain stimulating cell
membranes, stimulation to the mind will contribute to bringing on overloads and
shutdowns from further stimulation. The higher the delta waves in the
individual the more they will suffer from overloads and shutdowns.
Delta waves can over stimulate the
synapse opening membranes/ion channels. Too much stimulation to the membrane
leads to an overload where too much energy/information passes through. What causes a shutdown is ion channels after
prolonged stimulation get to the point where they remain open. I imagine this
can feel a lot like being deprived of sleep for days as it has a similar effect
on the neuron.
I think the Ion channels remaining
open leads to a knock on effect on the rest of the neuron. No new information
comes into the soma now as the information becomes a constant signal, this
stops the axon hillock from firing, this stops the excess stimulation to the
synapse resulting in a shutdown. The brain then reasserts itself over time.
Neurotransmitters effects in Autism
The increased number of neurons in
the Autistic brain offsets neurotransmitter production keeping people on the
spectrum in one dominant stage of development with one dominant brain wave. Neurotransmitter
production is carefully balanced, exposing all the organelles in the neuron
that are responsible for neurotransmitter production to the same increase in
energy from these excess neurons has the effect of one neurotransmitter taking
dominance. This leads to the increase in amplitude of one of the four main
brain waves keeping us in one stage of development after the first stage if
left. All humans neurologically age, our brains are pre-programmed for this.
Some of us neurologically age slowly and some people quickly. It is this
balance which determines which type of autism a person will develop. Someone
who ages neurologically quickly will be predisposed to be a Delta autistic,
someone who ages neurologically slowly will be predisposed to be a Beta
aging in Autism
Neurological ageing, the
factor that encourages us to have a dominant Delta, Theta, Alpha then Beta wave
progressively will still be a factor in the four types on the autistic spectrum.
As an example some deltas will move on to a theta state, some alphas will
move on to a beta state so there is also that element to where on the spectrum
people may be. In some cases autism can actually correct itself through the
brain neurologically aging.
Development of the senses in autism
Delta waves hardwire the brain and
over develop neural networks and permanent memory in the autistic brain, this
leads to overdevelopment in the senses.
The increased amount of neurons related
and overdevelopment of neural networks is what leads to over developed senses.
Increased senses will stimulate the brain contributing to overloads and
dominant neuronal structures in Autism
The four main brain waves resonate
and interact with different areas of the neuron, people on the autistic
spectrum have a dominant brain wave often throughout life. The internal
structure of these areas in the neuron shed light on the thought process of the
different types on the autistic spectrum.
Delta autistics have the secretary
component as the dominant neuronal structure. Theta autistics have the Axon as
the dominant neuronal structure. Alpha autistics have the soma as the dominant
neuronal structure. Beta autistics have she synaptic cleft as the dominant
neuronal structure.
Causes of
Damage to the neuroreceptors/cell membranes in neural stem cells
is the root cause of autism. Neural stem cells with damaged membranes have a
knock on effect on the neurons they generate, causing them to have damaged
membranes themselves.
The damaged neuroreceptors/membranes
in neurons is the main factor in autism. All these damaged neurons produce over
active Delta waves. Neurogenesis
is associated with strong Delta waves, these waves being stimulated is what
leads to the increased and prolonged neurogenesis in the autistic brain.
There are both genetic and environmental factors involved in
autism, we can be genetically predisposed to having over active Delta waves,
Developing brains can also be exposed to electromagnetic frequencies from our
environment that damage membranes in neural stem cells. Chemical factors
causing the same effect I imagine is possible.
A new theoretical cause for autism I
would put forward is exposure to electromagnetic waves from technology. These
waves have an effect on the brain, they stimulate it and even cause permanent
damage to cell membranes/neuroreceptors, this leads to changes in delta waves
stimulating neurogenesis and is therefore cause autism.
This type of cell damage I think is
also responsible for other disorders such as schizophrenia. I think damage like
this causes damage to other neuroreceptors in neural stem cells causing
schizophrenia. If I am right there will be a similar increase in schizophrenia
as there has been with autism but due to the late onset of schizophrenia the
increase would lag twenty or so years behind autism (so around 2014-16 I would
predict the start of a large increase in cases in developed countries).
Autism prevalence
This graph shows the increase in
autism per 1,000 children born in the USA since 1996 when the use of mobile
phones became more wide spread then later the advent of Wi Fi.
From my work parents, professionals
and people on the autistic spectrum should be able to easily find where on the
autistic spectrum an individual lies. This will help people gain greater
insight into autism and help people on the autistic spectrum build on their
strengths and find ways around aspects they find difficulty in.
A new understanding of how the
different types on the autistic spectrum emotionally and intellectually develop
will lead to new educational strategies.
This new understanding of the
neurology of people on the autistic spectrum will lead to new treatments and
therapies for people on the spectrum or even the discontinuation of some.
New early diagnosis can be developed
from this new understanding.
With new understanding on the causes
of autism shielded clothing can be developed to help protect unborn babies from
developing autism. Mobile phones and other sources of exposure to
electromagnetic waves can also be reduced.
For babies who get diagnosed with Autism
in time a drug therapy could be developed to temporarily decrease Delta waves
and fool the brain into thinking it has left the first stage of development to
decrease neurogenesis, if done for long enough it will set the development of
neurons into a healthy range.
If damage to membranes is present in
autism it may be ways can be found to compensate for them not allowing the
specific neurotransmitter through along with other possible drug therapies.
I’ve had some ideas on new quantum
technologies one of which is membrane manipulation technology, it could be
developed and used as therapies for autism as well as many other diseases like
cancer, Parkinson’s and other disorders, though I would need to find some
support in the development of these quantum technologies.
We on the spectrum are the key to
understanding much of the human brain and mind and how we develop. Ours is
a disorder which gives to us as well as takes from us. I am not actually
sure if our condition should actually be regarded as an illness, in many of us
we just regard it as more of a difference. Perhaps maximum healthy limits on
neurogenesis should be established rather than any type of cure, to merely
limit autism to a degree where it does not negatively affect a person’s life
too strongly. Before any type of cure for autism was to become available
I would ask for a debate on ‘are we Ill
or just different’ (I’m just different).
~The first quantum spectrum
hypnotist 13/9/13~
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